This will be Lockdown 5.0, These 11 Cities Will Strictly The Rules of Corona.
St Buses Will Run in Gujarta from June 1, Shop Will Remain Open Till 7 Pm
This Will be Lockdown 5.0,these 11 Cities Will Strictly Follow the Rules of Corona The Cuntry has Once Again Imp;emented a Lockdown to Fight The corona Virus. The Goernment has Released the Guideline of Lockdown 5.0. Phased Exemption Have been Granted by the Government outside the Containment zone. Importanty Lockdown 5.0 has been Named Unlock 1
- ST Buses Wil Run in Gujarat From June 1 , Shop wil Remain Opne Till 7 PM
- Home Ministry Guideline on Unlock 1 Announced.
- Except for the Containment zone, the govrnment will give exemption in phases.
- Lockdown 4.0 ends on 31-05-2020.
in the First Phase of the Unlock , religious Places amd Places of Public Prayer , Hotels, retaurans and other hospitality services, shopping malls have been allowed to open from june 3 2020.
The Second Phase of the Unlock will be opened in consultation with the states and union territories, schools, colege, eduational institutions etc. State government s, union territories have been asked to discuss the issue with those educational institutions and parents. based on their response, the decision on when to open these institutions will be taken inn july 202. the ministry of family of family and health welfare will send an SOP for this.
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