Ek Kadan Agal GCERT Gujarat | Mathematics , Science, Social Sciences as well as Language Questions will be Put One Step Ahed By GCERT Every Week.
Joe Biden Biography : All you need to know about the 46th Prsident of the United States
78 Years old Biden Sworn - in As the 46th President of the United States on 20 january 2021. Kamala Harris also Sworm - in as the 46th President of the United States on 20 january 2021. Kamala Harris Also sworn - i as the 49th vice - president of the united states at the US capitalDuring the 59th Presidential Lnauguration Ceremony.
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is the 46th President of the united states.He defeated incumbent president donald trump in 2020 presidential election 78 year old biden took oath as the 46th president of the united stated on 20 january 2021 along with kamala harris as the 49th vice - president of the united states.
In 1965 he earned a B.A. degree with a double major in History and Political science and a minor in english.In this early years, biden used to strmmer which he gradually improved by reciting poetry before a mirror.in the year 1968, biden earned a juris doctor from syracuse university college of law and got admitted to delaware bar in 1969.joe biden received studnts draft deferment at school but was ;later classified unavailable for military service due to asthma.
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In 1968, Biden served as a clerk at a wilmington law firm headed by prominent local republican william prickett where he thought himself as a republican and disliked incumbent democratic delaware governor charles L. terry.He rather supported liberal republican russell W peterson.
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