4200 Grade Pay GR | Primary Shikshako Na Uchchtar Pagar Dhoran Samjuti Bahar Padva Babat Paripatra
4200 Grade Pay Paripatra.Prathamik Shala na Shikshako Mukhy Shikhsako na Uchchatra Pagar Dhoran ni Samjuti Bahar Padva Babat Paripatra Date 17/03/2021 Matter of Issuing Explanation to higher level Teachers of Primary School Teachers and head Teachers. Recuitment Rules of Asisstant Education Inspectors were Published from the Notification Under Reference Date 03-01-2009 of the Education Department.
According to the Provisions of thse allowance rules, the primary Teachers were considered as feeder cadre of the assistant eeducation inspector and accordingly the primary teachers were entitled to the first hgher standard of promotion i.e. the salary
standard of the assistant education inspector.
As There is no Promotion Cadre after the Assistant education Inspector for Primary Teachers , they have been given second and third higher Pay by the Finance Department on date 17-06-2011
Resolution No::: Pagar - 1008-7-8. A. was to be met as per the schedule fixed.subsequently, under this section oil reference
the allowance rules of the head teacher cadre were published in the public notice dated 19-01-2018. the primary teacher was retained as the feeder cadre of the head teacher as per the provision made by these recruitment rules.
Imortant Link :::::
In the circumstances where those who voluntarity get promotion in the cadre of assistance education inspectors are the procedure prescribed in the proclamation of 31st , they will be eligible for higher 4th standard subject to the provisions of the applicable resolution of the finance department.
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