Modi Cabinet Expansion LIVE :- Final List
Modi Team wil be one year Younger : Youngest cabinet , Average age 58 Years : Also involved are 4 former CMs,including doctors,engineers and retired IAS officers.
As Prime Minister ,narendraModi is Going to expand the Largest cabinet in 7 Years. At 6 PM 43 minutes will be sworn in with 24 New Faces finalized . As Many as 9minues have resigned before the expansion and the names of 7 ministers to be promoted have also been decided.
It is being claimed that the new cabinet will be younger than before , its avarage age will be one and a Half years less than the previous cabinet.the Average age of PM Modi's previous cabinet was 59.36 years with smriti Irani being the youngest team ever, with an average age of 58 years.find out what's more special about modi's new team.
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MOdi team will be one year younger :youngest cabinet ,average age 58 years also involved are 4 former CMs ,including doctors,engineers and retired IAS Officer
As Primer Minister,narendra Modi is going to expand the largest cabinet in 7 years. At 6 PM , 43 Minutes will be sworn in , with 24 new faces finalized . As many as 9 ministers have resigned before the expansion and the names of 7 minites to be promted have also been decided.
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